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Are You Experiencing Pain
And Nothing Seems To Help?
Chronic Pain
The FIRSTtx Relief Device can provide effective management of chronic pain without surgery or medications.
Recent Injury
For most injuries, including sports injuries, the FIRSTtx Relief Device & FIRST Relief technology may be the only pain relief solution you’ll need.
Post Surgery
Minimize or even avoid pharmaceutical pain medications & their potential problems with FIRST Relief technology.
Find out how the FIRSTtx Relief Device is being used by health professionals to treat everyday pain right through to pro athletes.
Whether your pain just showed up out of nowhere or is something you’ve been struggling with for years, we’re here to help
What is FIRST Relief Pain Management?
In Plain English
In Scientific Terms
The Purpose of FIRST Relief Pain Management is To Stimulate the Body’s Own Natural Healing Processes
Your health relies on the continuous exchange of information within the body. Each and every function of the body is interrelated and works in harmony with other functions – that is until stress, injury or disease disrupts that communication. The FIRST Relief technology simply has a conversation with the pain centers of your brain via your nervous system. The FIRSTtx Relief Device sends gentle neural signals that travel up through your nerve endings, triggering a healing response back to the area of pain. SIMPLE!